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Resource Page

Below is a list of resources that I full-heartedly recommend that you use.

They have helped me and many other people achieve success in their endeavors and if used correctly, they should help you achieve your endeavors as well.

With that said, here they are by category:


1. Professor Leonard

Evan if you never take a math class, I would say you should watch his videos.

Not for the math, but for the type of thinking you will acquire.

As a result of watching Professor Leonard’s videos, I became an outside-of-the-box thinker.

His videos turned me into a confident creator.

I wasn’t like that before watching his videos and I am extremely confident his videos will do the same for you and make you an extremely versatile professional in whatever line of work you choose to go into.

I can honestly say that I would never have aced a lot of the classes that I took without Professor Leonard.

I will add that these classes were NOT just math classes.

If you are in college, you should watch his videos to get the edge you need in learning.

If you aren’t in college and are working, you should watch his videos to develop your brain to the point where you can become an extremely innovative professional.

You won’t get this level of training from any other resource.


You can see Professor Leonard’s videos here and you can see his reviews here to see how effective his videos are.

2. 7 Research-Backed Study Tips Proven To Help You Improve Your Grades

This post here shows you how you can use research-backed study methods to earn the highest grades in your classes.

I used these tips to score average mid-term exam score averages of 94.5% and 96% during my last 2 semesters of college in addition to receiving the highest scores on my exams in many classes throughout college.

They are proven to help you in increasing the amount of knowledge you retain (with or without school), which will not only improve your grades but will serve you in being the most competent person for a job.

If you are someone who wants to learn skills that’ll make you extremely competent to perform a job, learning these techniques is a MUST.

You WILL get an edge over your competition and, combined with the repetitive practice of your craft, you will become extremely confident in your skills and abilities to the point where you will be firm in your belief to be the best at your job.

Give it a read and act on it. You will see a noticeable change in the amount of knowledge you retain.

Pinky promise 😉

  1. How to Take a Test

This post is a MUST read if you are taking any test whatsoever.

There will be times when you might have eros and they can cost you on tests.

Maybe you are anxious and nervous when you go to take a test.

The post associated with this point is a MUST before you take any test whatsoever.

It is the most comprehensive post on the internet that walks you through, step-by-step, how to take any test in a way that will ensure you not only finish your test on time and make you extremely confident in such an environment, but you’ll be able to catch any mistakes that you will make that can boost your test scores by up to 30-40 points.

It will also show you what to do if you have extra time left over on your test and how to check answers on your test if you are short on time.

These skills are CRUCIAL for doing well on tests.

If you are someone who wants to go to any kind of professional or graduate school, you must do well on your tests.

And to do well on your tests, you have to have the right test-taking skills, and this post will help you get those skills in a very short amount of time at no charge.

Just imagine your future outcome.

Are you willing to do anything that will help you achieve that outcome and avoid the things that can hold you back from achieving this outcome?

Let this post be the first step towards that desired outcome of yours.

Click here to see the post.


1. 90-20 Rule

This is a productivity rule proven to help you become more productive in a short period of time that is proven with professionals in different disciplines.

What you do is you work for 90 minutes straight and then you take a break for 20 minutes to recharge so you can be equally as productive in your next session.

Many research has been done on this technique and professionals who use this technique are seen to produce the best results in their work compared to their peers when they use it.

You can a summary of the research here if you wish. 

A testimonial of someone who used the technique is here if you wish.

2. To-Do List

Obviously, you need to be organized.

However, the question always revolves around how you are supposed to get organized for the day, correct?

My personal recommendation is to use simple Post-It notes to keep track of your things on a daily basis.

This is what worked for me and, as long you keep the Post-It notes in your wallet or on your computer somewhere or wherever you can easily access it, they are the way to go as far as charting out your day is concerned.

You can purchase some Post-It notes here from Amazon if you wish.

Note: I am an affiliate for Amazon, so I will receive a commission if you purchase through this link, but the price you pay won’t change.


  1. “Think and Grow Rich”

If there is anything that can be considered a 2nd bible, this book is it.

This book has been used by many successful people to accomplish their goals and to achieve massive success in their life.

Personally, I’ve used this book to achieve my own academic success.

If you read multiple testimonials about people who’ve read the book, you will find that they all agree:

The book works and it made a tremendous difference in their efforts.

In fact, I’ll put a link to these testimonials here if you want to see them.

I promise that if you buy this book and act on it, you’ll be the best at what you do.

Guaranteed or I’ll refund your money plus I’ll send a $100 Amazon gift card to you.

That’s how confident I am that it will help you.

You can purchase “Think and Grow Rich” here on Amazon.

Again, I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will receive a commission if you purchase through my link, but the price you pay won’t change.

2. “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

This is another classic that will help you get ahead if you act on it.

This book is about how you must get along with people to get what you want.

It debunks a lot of things that seem like the correct way to deal with people with actionable recommendations you can implement in order to successfully interact with others so you can get more out of your life.

It goes over things like how you should complement the other person in order to constructively criticize, taking the blame for something even if it’s not your fault, and how having a genuine interest in other people can get you far in life.

Warren Buffett said that investing in the author’s teachings was the best investment he’s ever made.

Not bad praise from a man who’s made a fortune making numerous investments time and time again.

And if it’s a great investment for him, it should be a great investment for you.

So if you want to feel extremely confident around other people, please do yourself a favor and purchase “How to Win Friends and Influence People” here from Amazon right now.

Once again, I am an affiliate for Amazon and I will receive a commission if you purchase through my link.

However, the price you pay will not change.

3. “Art of War” by Sun Tzu

This book right here is a secret weapon of many strategic people.

This book shows you what to do when you are up against anyone you need to outwit and outplay.

What I mean by that is anyone you need to deal with needs to be dealt with in a certain way.

And the secret truth is that everything is a war.

Meaning, everyone is trying to take something for himself.

So, in order to get what you want, you need to navigate other people trying to get what you want and convincing those that it’s in their best interests to serve you.

Although it’s very unlikely you will see actual combat with weapons, you will have to defeat other people trying to get what you want.

Hence, it’s a war and this book applies.

Many successful people like businesspeople, politicians, and sports coaches have used this book to achieve success in their own endeavors.

You can see a detailed description of what this book can do for you here.

If you want to level up your strategy and have the blueprint for navigating the business waters, I encourage you to purchase “Art of War” here on Amazon.

Again, this is an affiliate link and I will receive an affiliate commission if you purchase this book through my affiliate link.

However, the price you pay will not change. 

4. Useful Career Test

I came across this neat career test when I wrote a post titled “The Best INFP Careers Guide For Beginners.”

When I took the test, it was amazingly accurate as to what I had in mind for what I would envision myself doing as a career in addition to correctly predicting many of my own personality traits.

When I saw the recommendations, I had to put them in that post.

It turned out that the audience agreed and I made sales with the post as a result.

I am very confident that as a result of this reception, you will likely be very pleased with the results you see for your test and any career it recommends you.

It’s called the CareerFitter test and you can purchase the career test through this link here.

Note: I am an affiliate for CareerFitter and I will receive a commission if you purchase through my link.

However, the price you pay will not change.

You can see the full post with pictures of my results here if you want to learn more about the CareerFitter test.

I hope these resources serve you well in your quest to get to your own island and to your path of true happiness and away from the grim realities of the “mainland” if you don’t achieve your goals.

Traffic jam, anyone?

I didn’t think so.

Get to the island my future islander!

You have a big party awaiting you!

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