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Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!

Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!

Hey there friend!

Can I ask you something?

Do you enjoy watching TV?

What is your favorite TV show?

Comment below with that answer if you feel so inclined.

Do you glaze your attention to the screen every time that it comes on?

How much time do you spend on that couch watching the things on the screen?

Does it make you happy?

Or do you feel stressed out at the beginning of the next day?

Well, whatever your answer might be, I must confess to you this and you probably haven’t realize it until today.

The confession is this:

You are wasting your time.


Yes, you are wasting your time.

I don’t know if you know this, but when you watch TV, you are literally going to the casino and playing the slot machines.

It is an activity that will never pay off in your time and your effort.

“Well, then what’s the alternative?”

Great question and I’ll get to that.

But before I do, I must ask you something. How would you react to the thought of TV being a gamble?

Would that intrigue you somehow?

If it does and you are ready to know why, here it comes!

Buckle up soldier; you’re going to need to.

TV KILLS Your Time

Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!

Let’s be honest, how many times have you binge watched TV without realizing where all of the time went?

You sit down on the couch to watch your favorite show and you initially say to yourself “OK, I will watch this show for 1 hour and then I’ll go to sleep.”

And then you are like “Oh, there’s this other show that is on, let me watch that one!”

And you spend about another 1-2 hours of your evening after work or after school watching another show.

And you make this 1 hour promise to yourself over and over again and you keep watching TV every day when you get home from work.

Hence the phrase “Netflix and chill.”

Well, I have some news for you if you haven’t realized it yet.

That news is that “Netflix and chill” and “Chillin’ and loungin'” are traps waiting to eat you up like an alligator sitting in his swamp waiting for the prey to come into his trap.

In other words, it’s like this is happening to you the snake:

What does the alligator that is TV want?

The TV alligator wants to eat up your time and it wants to consume your brain cells to make you an idiot.

It wants to make you someone who just goes watch its programs and nothing else and just gossip about it on social media and to your friends so that they can bring in even more snakes that are ready for the TV alligator and his fellow friends to eat up like it’s nothing.

A brainwashing like no other and one where you get a negative return on your investment in time like no other.

And the worst part about it?

You can NEVER get that time back.

Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

That’s it. Nada. No do overs.

And here’s some heavy duty news for you.

When you watch TV of another’s program, you are by default building their dream instead of yours. Read this if you’d like some more information about why that is so.

Why? When you are investing time into their programs, you are borrowing time from your future and giving it to them.

So at the end of the day, it will cost you money, opportunity, knowledge, fun, and a lot of things that I can’t think of the top of my head that might be extremely valuable.

And not only that, watching TV will not only make you get eaten up by the big fat alligator in the small swamp.

It will give you another effect. And this effect goes like this:

You Will Get Bored

Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!

I don’t know if you have experienced this one often, but when you watch TV, chances are that you will become bored out of your mind.

The reason for this is because if there isn’t anything exciting happening that you are creating or producing, you are not getting fulfilled in your work.

And as a result, there is no motion and everything is repeating itself with no variation whatsoever.

Who likes the same stuff over and over again?

Only when it’s producing results.

And if it isn’t producing results, you are going to become upset and you are going to feel inside an urge to want to go to sleep after you watch TV.

Hence, your energy drops and you lose motivation for the day.

I can tell you this for a fact that this is what happens.

You see, one day, I went with my mother to the movies. It was on New Year’s Day. It was the first time that I had been to the movies since, geez, years.

So we walk into the movie theater and oh boy did I get bored fast.

No energy, no vibe, I didn’t have control over what I was doing, and it was an environment where I was like “Ugh, get me outta here!”

So I watched the movie and the moment that I left the theater, I felt like a zombie. I couldn’t think, I did not have that same intellectual stimulation that I had before I went in there (of course I got it back later) and my mind felt extremely disorganized.

In other words, my mind lost momentum as a result of going to the movies.

And that is a stark difference from reading books, which got me back into that intellectual stimulation later that evening.

And as a result of this experience, I said to myself “I am never going to a movie theater again.”

And that is the truth. Places like that just gobble up humanity.

So what is my point here?

My point is that if you are watching TV, whether it is the movies or just a plain old TV show, chances are that you will come out of it like a zombie and you are going to go to sleep.

Avoid TV at all costs. It is evil, it is a life sucker, and it is going to ruin your life in many ways that you can’t even imagine.

If you still aren’t convinced, watch this testimonial from a pretty accomplished guy and he’ll tell you exactly what happens when you watch TV often.

Note: Watch the video from 4:05 to 5:40 for the testimonial.

And if Dan Lok’s testimonial doesn’t convince you, then this will for sure. This one will let you KICK TV in the FACE for good!

You’ll Become a Big Fat Lazy Bum Who Does Nothing But Eat Cheetos All Day Long

Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!



That’s what you’re going to do with your life?

Give me a break.

Eating Cheetos all day while watching the “Whatever” show will not get you anywhere.

Now of course, most of you reading this know not to do this, but I challenge you to REALLY understand.

Do you REALLY know that you can’t do this?

Even when you get home from work every day?

With your iPhones?

Let that be a mind opener for you.

If you still can’t see it, let me illustrate it this way. When you get home from work and you want to settle down after a long day, what is the very first thing that you do?

You go to the refrigerator and you get a snack out of it and you munch on it all day long.

And for the rest of the evening, you continue to do that without a single regard of the time that you are spending away and wasting.

Does sound like you now?

Does that sound like Cheeto man now?

Now let me ask you.

Are you the Cheeto man or woman when we peel through the layers?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but YES YOU ARE.


And it is TIME for you to recognize it and to do something about it to stop it.

And I mean stop it.

Did you literally spend all of that money and time going to school and working your butt off in your classes to all of a sudden get stuck with THIS?!

Are you kidding me?

To still be in the same spot that you are in before you got in (yes, maybe a bit better than before, but again, are you REALLY in a better position than before?)?

That is honestly ludicrous.

And if you think otherwise, get out of my blog.

Please. The island is just not for you.

So, do yourself a favor and dump out whatever habits that you have coming home from work and just listen to what I have to tell you in the next section below.

You are going to have to get a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil for this one because you will be taking notes.

So, get them and come back.

Action Steps to Eat the Gator

Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!

Are you back?


And I hope that you are ready because this section will change your life starting today.

Here you go.

1. Read this.

This is going to get you focused on what you want. Read it to the tee and make it yours.

You will come out as superman or superwoman.

2. Research and pick a book to read in the topic that is in your LOVE column.

This will give you deep insight into the subject that you are interested in.

The book, or books if you are so inclined, will help you explore what you can know and what is necessary for you to know with something that you can’t just find on the internet.

And it’ll make you a smarter person than before you cracked it open.

3. Read the book and do what it says.

This is crucial. If you do this, you will be ahead of your peers BIG TIME!

The books will literally tell it all to you like you are a 2 year old and when you read the books, you will say “Ah, that makes sense. Neat!”

Remember, the authors get paid to spoon feed you what you need to know in the books. So if they don’t do that, they are NOT DOING THEIR JOB!

Read that last sentence so that it sinks in.

And don’t forget it.

Now, what are you going to do my friend?

Sit there like Cheeto man or woman after he or she gets home from work and watches TV all night?

Or are you going to turn it around FAST?!

If so, comment below and say what you did as a result of this post and the results that you got. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if you enjoyed this post and got a lot out of it and you would like to see more mind opening posts from Join the Island, then go to the bottom of the webpage and input your email and those new posts will be sent right to your inbox the moment that they are published.

Go get’em future islander, and may the force be with you!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.


Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

6 thoughts on “Why is TV Bad? Because It Is Bad and It Is a DRUG!”

  1. Wow! Now this is my honest opinion: you have written a very engaging post that had me going to the very end – you’re a talented writer. I’m just not sure I feel ok being so strict on tv watching and judging people who do… Now, I spend most evenings working on my online business – that’s still me starting and working on a screen (which is not ideal prep for sleep), with a glass of wine right next to it too 🙂 but I won’t allow anyone to make me feel guilty if I choose to unwind in front of the tv for some mindless entertainment.
    each to their own and all 🙂 a very entertaining read, none the less 🙂

    1. I appreciate your honest opinion Karina and I’m glad that you enjoyed the article very much. Definitely check out another engaging post right here that’ll REALLY get you to become a instant monster! Lifetime warranty.

  2. My brother watches TV a lot and I will definitely point out this writing to him. But I don’t think that he will read it. If he will not read this writing, do you have any suggestions?

    1. I would suggest this: Deactivate the TV cable overnight while he’s asleep and let him turn on the TV to a surprise that his favorite shows are not playing. You will come in out of nowhere that he doesn’t expect and you will say “I need to talk to you.” And just throw away his iPhone in front of him and throe away his favorite foods and his favorite toys so that you can command his attention. Yes, he will start to hate you and it might be pretty violent, but this will get him to pay attention for sure. It has worked in the past with many other people that I’ve talked to who tried the same thing. If you are asking how “How to Win Friends and Influence People” comes into play, for this one, don’t worry about it because the principles in there are too diplomatic for this situation. And just give a speech that he will remember with a firm grip. If that is going to create violence, do this: Find out what he likes and articulate with statistics and a boat load of evidence that watching TV will not help him achieve what he wants and that he must do some activity in order to get there (ex. reading books, going to school, doing career assessments, etc.). Show him the percentage of people who watch TV and achieve success in his chosen vocation versus the ones who do what he doesn’t like and achieve success in his chosen vocation. This will activate what’s called a greed trigger and it will inspire him to take action towards his goal. Dale Carnegie elaborates more on that specific concept in “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and you can get it here if you wish. Note that this is an affiliate link and I will receive a commission off of your purchase of you buy through it.

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more on this…TV is an absolute time-waster. Together with Facebook and Youtube app on your phone 🙂 Before I had kids, I used to watch my favourite shows from time to time (Friends and Frasier), but now, TV is a pure time-killer for me. I try to limit the screen time for my kids as much as possible, but it is not that easy, though…
    I have a friend who moved to a new house 3 years ago and still haven’t got the time to choose and buy a TV. Now they realised that they actually don’t miss it at all, so they won’t be buying it 🙂

    1. Very good! Your friends are implementing this article already! They’ll definitely see results, guaranteed! Thanks for your comment Eva and report back on their results and check out another fascinating article right here that’ll make you say “I couldn’t agree with you more” again!

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