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The Ultimate Guide for How School and Sports Can Set You Up For Lifetime Championship Success

The Ultimate Guide for How School and Sports Can Set You Up For Lifetime Championship Success

Do you want to read something very interesting today?

What if I told you sports is directly related to academics?

And I don’t mean the student-athlete way in a traditional sense.

I mean you on the field as the student trying to win the game for your team (meaning pass the test for yourself so you can reach your goals).

That’s right. As a student, you ARE an athlete trying to win the game!

It’s a surprise, is it?

Well it might be, but they have similar characteristics and if you realize them, you will become a better student and a better leader for yourself and your children (if you decide to have them).

So put on your football helmet and let the game begin because you are about to get on the field for the biggest game of your life with this post. I will show you the exact system I used to achieve at least a 3.85 GPA during my last 2 years of college when I figured out this system.

I’m also going to show you a time management process that you can use to consistently score in the 90s on your exams without ever worrying about failure or just passing the class.

But before that, please rise and remove your hats for the singing of our national anthem by none other than:


And a special guest appearance by this guy here.

I hope I didn’t scare you away, but it does make for a good laugh (at least in my opinion)!

Let’s get into it.

As a now proclaimed athlete, you MUST treat academics like this:

You Treat Academics As a Game

The Ultimate Guide for How School and Sports Can Set You Up For Lifetime Championship Success

Have you ever seen a competitive sports match before whether it’s football, basketball, baseball, hockey, golf, boxing, etc.?

If you have or haven’t, you’ll understand what I am going to tell you.

In every one of these sports, you have an opponent to tackle.

If you do not master the opponent, you will lose.

You are also timed in every one of these sports to hit the shot or start the play before the buzzer goes out.

If you start the play or hit the shot after the buzzer or time limit goes off, you will turn the ball over or add strokes to your score.

In academics, it’s the same way.

Your opponent is the test and to an extent your professor.

It is your job to strategize in a way so you can predict, as much as possible, every one of their moves so you can call the right plays on the field (during the test) and win the game (get the As).

It’s like you are the coach and you have to create the game plan for exposing the opponent’s weakness and using those weaknesses to play to your strengths.

Now studying is just like practice on the field or the course or the gym for the players. You use it to rehearse the moves you need to make in order to execute the plays in the playbook. Additionally, you conduct your practices like a coach who needs to follow a protocol for the practices to go well.

You study for a certain period of time before resting, you study certain subjects so you can master the opponent efficiently, you review mistakes on tests (aka: watching film) to avoid making them again and to improve your practices and in test (aka in game) execution.

My point is this: If you approach it like a player who is prepping for games and like a coach who is getting his team ready to win the games, you will have more fun while studying and you will get better grades as a result.


Because there is nothing like scoring a touchdown when you get the highest grade on the test and you see your professor either commend you or stare at you in disbelief when they know they failed to trick you since you outwitted them.

That’s the fun in academics.

If you view it like you are reading in a library doing boring things, you will suffer since it becomes, well, boring.

But if you see that you are the player on the field or on the court trying to get it done for your team to win the game, it becomes a lot more exhilarating.

You develop an internal drive to win like you have never experienced before and you always strive for greatness.

And when you achieve greatness, it feels so good.

Trust me when I say this: There is never a feeling good enough to match that of doing well on a test or winning a championship.

Like I said, if you are struggling with academics, view it that way and you will find a way to win and do well on your tests and your career.

So put on your football helmet and get to the training facility to train for your next game!

Now here’s something I’ve learned about academics that’s really useful not only in school, but in life itself:

You Develop a System That Works For The Rest of Your Life

The Ultimate Guide for How School and Sports Can Set You Up For Lifetime Championship Success

Every great team (and every great business might I add) has a system they follow to win every single year.

This system consists of how they practice, how they play games, how they take days off, their training regimen, etc.

They have a system that works and they are consistent with it, so they do not panic in the game and they win games easily.

In academics, it’s the same way.

You have a system of how you study, how you rest, how you learn and how you take tests to ensure the best results.

You are consistent with it and this is why you get the best scores every time.

It’s not about being the smartest, but rather common sense to know what works, why it works and how it works so you can use it correctly.

Ironically, when you implement this system, not only will you get great grades, but you will be able to apply this system to every facet of your life and you will understand why having a certain way to go about things beats winging it 100% of the time.

I encourage you to go ask anybody what a system is for studying and you will be amazed as to how many people will be confused when you ask this question. They’ll be like “A system for studying? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

This is when you know you have the edge in life.

Most people do not know that there is a system to accomplish almost anything you can imagine, whether it’s getting great grades, getting ripped, getting women (or guys), getting jobs, getting rich, winning championships, etc.

You just follow the proven way of doing things, remain consistent with it and you will win.

It’s that simple.

And once you realize its power, you will never worry about trying to find the magic pill for everything.

You know what you have to do, you do it and you win.

This is the recipe for championships in every facet of your life and I encourage you to explore it in great detail.

A great article that explains bow championship teams work is in the link here.

One key point I want to bring your attention to is the point about having small goals that contribute to a bigger goal.

When you study for an exam, you want to have a big vision of getting that A, but at the same time, your attention needs to be focused on the specific content that will help you achieve that A like doing the 20 problems in Section 6.2 and understanding every one of the problems.

This will allow you to see the specific strategies you need to execute during the test (the game) so you can tackle what the opponent will throw at you. If you just focus on the A, your quarterback is going to get sacked and you will get docked 15 points on the test.

The reason: You didn’t drill that concept enough to be confident in facing the blitz the professor threw at you like an offensive line who did not practice hard enough to protect their quarterback from getting sacked by the opposing defense.

If this one detail from the system is broken, you are doomed to lose the game.

But when you follow every point in the system, you will not lose. I guarantee it.

Now for the system you follow when you are learning, you basically do this:

  1. Commit to full mastery of what you want to learn
  2. Understand the concepts behind what you are learning (and if you don’t know how to do this, you seek training on how to do it)
  3. Study for 90 minutes straight under the 90-30 Rule for Super Human Performance
  4. Rest for 30 minutes straight under the 90-30 Rule to maximize the material you retain in your head

That’s it.

It’s very simple and effective.

Within this system, you plan and strategize your way to what you need to do to win your particular game.

There is research on this method proving it works and when I tried it, my grades and my productivity skyrocketed. You can read about it here.

I went from averaging in the mid 80s – low 90s to consistently scoring in the mid 90s – high 90s and getting the top grades in my classes.

In fact, the system was so good I got to the point where my classmates would curiously come up to me and ask “How the heck are you getting these scores? We have to study this material in groups, but you are learning this all by yourself? That’s impressive.”

The answer: Following the system and being consistent with it no matter what.

This is the championship formula for success in the classroom.

Follow it consistently and I guarantee you your academic ambitions will come true.

And you will win your own championship.

And by the way, I do have a process for taking tests that can help you eliminate every mistake in the book from sign errors on math tests to misreading questions to answering questions where you have two conflicting answers!

You can read it in “The Awesomest and The Most Brilliant Test Taking Plan For Surviving Your Evil Professors Fast” right here!

To plan the day correctly, I encourage you to read this post here where I talk about using sticky notes to keep track of your to-dos in a quick and easy manner without worrying about losing the beloved planner.

If you are a woman, sorry; I don’t do Pinterest planners in my system; I’m a guy so I am biased.

It’s quick and easy to implement, I promise!


The Ultimate Guide for How School and Sports Can Set You Up For Lifetime Championship Success

Gentlemen (or ladies), START YOUR ENGINES!

It’s YOUR time to shine now!

You’ve got this pal and I know you will go get it! I believe in you 😉

May the force be with you and if you got a lot out of this post and you want more action-packed content that’ll help you achieve your goals in the most dominant way possible, definitely subscribe with your email below to Join the Island, the galaxy’s best and most beloved blog!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post. I’d really be interested in knowing this. Also, I’ve got a 25000 word post about college that I wrote here that’ll show every single hack and trick to ace your classes and position yourself to be the absolute best job candidate when you go look for a job! It’ll be like you’re Warren Buffett meets Albert Einstein! Check it out now!

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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