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3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

Do you want to know why you should go with your gut, when to do so and how to use its magical powers to get what you want in life?

If so, you’ve come to the right place for obtaining all of the keys to your personal kingdom.

At the end if this post, you will become the boss.

That’s right, the boss of your own world.

Imagine yourself at the end of what you want to do.

Do you want to assure yourself that you’ll get there?

Read this post to find out everything to get there.

1. It’s Always Right

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever had a feeling that you had a “hunch” and this “hunch” lead you a certain direction?

If so, did you eventually realize that this “hunch” lead you to the right direction?

If you said yes, then this means your gut was right when it was thinking a certain way.

In all instances, your gut feeling will always lead you to the right direction?

Why is this the case?

Because your gut feeling is your body’s reaction to the environment around you and inside you in an ability to let you know how to adapt to it so you can be better off.

It is known as the “sixth sense” in that it is something you can feel and you can develop a response for when you are exposed to it.

Think of it like smelling a warm and delicious Tolls House Chocolate Chip Cookie fresh out of the oven versus smelling a horrendous garbage odor in your house.

When you smell a Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie, your inclination is to go after it and eat it right away.

Your gut feeling acts in the same way.

When it sees something that makes a lot of sense and will prove to be opportunistic for you in your survival and progression in life, it tells you to jump right after it and eat it up alive.

As for smelling that horrendous odor in the garbage, this is like your gut telling you to stay away from something that will not prove worthwhile to you.

For instance, let’s say your gut is telling you to stay away from a toxic relationship that is draining your life.

The toxic relationship is like that horrendous garbage smell.

Your gut is smelling the bad odor of the situation and telling you to stay away accordingly.

Now, let’s say your gut is telling you to pursue a certain career that it senses will be good for you.

The prospective new career is like the Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie.

It smells something delicious across the house and it’s telling you to get up and go get the cookie.

That is what the sixth sense is.

It senses something good or bad and it tells you to go or stay away depending on the situation.

Hence, your likelihood to survive goes up.

Does this make sense?


Now, with this in mind, let’s move onto the next point as to why you should always trust your gut.

2. It’s a Source of Power

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

When you go with your gut, you have certainty.

What does this mean?

You eliminate fear.

Fear is a result of not knowing a future event as a result of some event occurring.

Your gut does not operate in fear.

It operates from what it knows to be true and when you listen and act on it. You are acting on what you know to be true.

Hence, you can shape the world around you.

Additionally, you become a lone wolf in life in that you follow your own agenda instead of that someone else gives you.

Of course, to a degree, everyone has to follow someone else’s agenda when you have a boss, be it a client or an employer.

But what I mean by your own agenda is doing what is right for yourself.

This is when begin to stand out from the crowd and make waves for yourself when everyone is piled up in like sheep in a big fat line because they didn’t do what was right for them.

As a result, you will receive more opportunities in life and you will be better well off in the long run.

Let me give you an example to prove my point.

There was this one girl I went to college with who stuck out to me pretty quick.

Everybody in school was really just there to get by and go home as soon as they could.

Not this girl.

This girl was on a mission.

Her goal is to be an astronaut and a NASA engineer.

She would talk differently, with confidence, with conviction, with direction and with forcefulness.

I had not seen one fellow student talk like this.

She handled her business like an absolute badass.

She communicated everything she wanted, she did the extracurricular activities required to obtain 2 critical internships that actually got her into NASA as an OSE Fellowship Recipient.

I can absolutely predict what’s going to happen to her.

She will become an astronaut.

At least from what I saw, she exemplified everything required to set a goal and do what it takes to achieve the goal.

I didn’t ask her how she was doing what she was doing, but I didn’t have to.

I already knew the answer.

Do you know what the answer is?


She went with her gut.

She knew what she wanted, she did everything she needed to do to get it and she will eventually reach her goal.

It all starts with following your intuition and knowing exactly what it wants to do.

Hence, it is what YOU want to do.

It is what lights your fire and what will make you want to crush it in this world.

And I can tell you this much:

You shouldn’t have to think too hard about what you are doing a lot of times.

Sometimes, you just have to feel it and go after it with vengeance.

It what Bruce Lee calls “emotional content” in “Enter the Dragon.”

He says “Don’t think, feel. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon.”

You can’t overanalyze things or you will fall susceptible to the circumstances and you will get eaten up alive.

And this makes way for my next point:

3. Overthinking is Overrated

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

Have you ever thought about something and you felt burned out inside of your head?

Kind of like on a school/college test where you looked at a problem for over 20 minutes and your brain was frying up inside, stressed that it hasn’t found the answer to the question yet?!

If you experienced these symptoms, you are suffering from a deadly disease called analysis paralysis.

Otherwise known as overthinking.

When you get to this point, you shouldn’t waste any more time thinking about what you are doing.

Instead, it’s time to do what I call “un-think” about the problem at hand and let your subconscious do the work for you.

Let me explain what this means.

You have experiences every day of your life.

Some you directly remember and some you don’t remember at all.

Without you even knowing, your subconscious takes all of these experiences and it goes through a separate thinking process on its own where you don’t do any active thinking.

Instead, it does the thinking for you.

Have you ever heard of a “lightbulb” moment?

That’s what this is.

In this instance, your subconscious found a way to use everything you’ve experienced to come up with an answer to the problem at hand.

This process is known as incubation, aka: thinking outside of the box.

Your brain might use seemingly unrelated ideas to come up with the answer, but somehow it makes sense at the end.

It’s the same process that many of the great geniuses of our time used to come up with solutions to the problems they were trying to solve.

To prove my point, let me give you an exercise so you can see how it works.

I want you to solve the following jokes. Note that I made it up myself, but the process is all that matters.

The joke is as follows:

“You had drinks one night and the next night, you get sick. What happened?”

Take a few moments to solve this please.

If you attempted to solve it, you might’ve gotten an answer like you were hungover.

This is incorrect because you are thinking inside of the box with the first thing that seems to make sense.

Granted, you want to see if your immediate guess makes sense before trying incubation, but here, it’s not the correct answer.

Try again.

If you have been scratching your head for minutes, I’ll let you off the hook right now.

The answer is:

“You got the Coronavirus because you had a Corona!”

If you got the answer, congratulations!

If not, listen up.

You have to ask yourself, what is something associated with an illness?

What is associated with a drink?

And then, you have to see what they have in common.

In this case, the illness is the Coronavirus and the drink is Corona because they have the word “Corona” in common.

As you can see, if you think about it without knowing the answer, this is not obvious.

Sure, it makes sense when you see the answer, but if you think about it without going outside of the box, you are not getting this answer right.

Now let me give you another example to prove that you can’t really think about these problems plus another very important point to keep in mind:

“What do you get when you have a Clipper sailing on a river?”

See if you can solve it. Don’t scroll down the page until you’ve tried.

Are you back?

The answer is:

A Clipper sailing into a lake.

There is another part to this and then I’ll explain the logic behind it. Try to solve the net part before moving on.

“What do you get when the Clipper is sailing on the lake?”

Try it.


Give your brain an exercise.

Are you back?

The answer is as follows:

The Clipper sinks.

Here’s the logic (it’s gonna be crazy, so hang on):

The Clippers are the name of a basketball team called the Los Angeles Clippers.

They had a coach named Doc Rivers who was the coach until 2020.

He was heavily criticized for how he handled the 2019-2020 season.

The team had Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, two of the top players in the NBA.

However, they were not effective leaders in the locker room.

The Clippers hired (actually traded for) Doc Rivers because they felt that his championship pedigree would lead them to a title.

However, this decision led them down the wrong way.

The Los Angeles Lakers are LA’s main basketball team and they are led by LeBron James.

They won the title the same year that Kawhi Leonard and Paul George were on the Clippers for the first time.

Now let me tie it into the joke.

The Clippers organization hiring Doc Rivers is comparable to an organization (namely the government) building a river to get ships to the ocean (aka: their championship).

Rivers and river have the same name.

However, because of their result, the Clippers going into the lake (aka: somewhere else aside from the goal) is like the organization choosing the wrong method to get ships to the ocean (after all, a river is not a canal).

As a result, they got duped, just like the Clippers getting duped when they hired Doc to be the coach.

Now, with the Clipper sailing into the lake, the ship sinking is comparable to 2 things:

  1. Kawhi Leonard and Paul George not being effective leaders on the team like captains who don’t know what they are doing and hence, leading to one of the major reasons why ships sink.

  2. LeBron James and the LA Lakers winning and being effective like the water bringing the Clipper ship down as a force of nature.

Does this make sense?

And to top it all off, the Clippers trading 2 really solid players and 5 first round picks for Paul George is like the government using your hard-earned money and wasting it for nothing but propaganda.

So much for government, right?

Now let me ask you this:

If you thought about it without knowing the answer, would you have solved this joke?

I thought so.

You can’t think about the problem if you don’t have an immediate answer and you don’t know what you are doing.

And also understand this:

If you tried the Clipper in the river joke, basketball was probably the last thing you thought about when you solved it.

This because you might’ve been susceptible to assumed constraints.

Assumed constraints are rules that your mind makes up that don’t exist that say what you can and cannot do to approach a problem.

These things make your mind go in a conventional direction instead of the correct way to approach a problem.

In the examples above, an assumed constraint might be thinking the answer is hangover instead of something else.

The reason it’s an assumed constraint is because you (most likely; I don’t know what you thought) automatically believe that because you’ve heard of the word hangover and its meaning that you get sick after drinking so many drinks one night, you automatically go to saying that it has to be the hangover.

This assumption does not consider how many drinks you had nor does it consider if you were a man or a woman nor did you consider that I didn’t say “several.”

I just said that you had drinks, which might be 2.

And also consider that the other drinks aside from the Corona didn’t have to be alcohol; they could have been several other drinks like water, soda, Gatorade, etc.

You might have some alcoholic drinks and not get a hangover.

The assumed constraint is an assumption without investigating the matter.

This lends itself to a false belief of relying on preconceived knowledge without really understanding what each part means.

That’s why when you try things and keep getting the wrong answer, you should let go of it and let your subconscious do the rest.

You don’t want to burn yourself out trying to solve something.

It’s unnecessary stress and you will deteriorate your health if you keep doing this.

When you use incubation to solve problems, your mind will pop out an answer and your gut will tell you that it’s the answer or you may need to dig deep into what you already know to be correct and go from there.

THIS is when you should go with your gut feeling.

When To Go With Your Gut

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

You will feel a physical urge on your body near your heart.

It has an inner voice that tells you to do something while blocking out what your brain is telling you.

That order from this inner voice near your heart is what you need to do in order to resolve your situation, solve your problem or your question.

Granted, it might not be correct all of the time, but you definitely won’t be wrong all of the time.

Now, what if there are two or more voices in your head that tell you to go one way or the other?

There is a procedure for that (however, it’s not perfect), so read on to find out what it is.

How To Go With Your Gut

3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut

What you need to do here is completely relax.

Don’t think about anything else and really listen to your body.

Completely eliminate what your mind is telling you.

Close your eyes if you can and shut out any music playing in your head, any thoughts you have, etc.

Shut everything down.

You might want to create a mental picture of you at your end goal or you at your happy place.

Otherwise, just see the pure black when you close your eyes.

Then, just find the urge in your body and hear what it’s saying.

Then, write it down (if you can) and act on it.

This is not a perfect method because it’s sometimes hard to distinguish what your body is telling you and what your brain is telling you.

Sometimes, what you think your body is telling you is what your brain is telling you to do and vice versa.

Try it and see how it goes.

You will not be disappointed with trusting the magic of the 6th sense. You will be very pleased.

Shoot me an email at and tell me how it went for you and your results. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I hope this post was very helpful for you.

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Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: What do you call a crash landing?

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

3 thoughts on “3 Powerful Reasons Why, When and How You Should Go With Your Gut”

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